If she had known about the meeting, she ______ (will attend / would have attended) it. - B) would have attended, If I were more organized, I ______ (would have finished / would finish) my work on time. - B) would finish, If they had trusted his judgment, they ______ (might not be facing / wouldn’t have faced) this problem now. - A) might not be facing, If he had taken the offer, he ______ (would be / would have been) in a much better position now. - A) would be, If I were you, I ______ (might have considered / would consider) the job offer more seriously. - A) might have considered, If she ______ (not/sleep) through the alarm, she ______ (not/miss) the flight. - had not slept; would not have missed, If he ______ (speak) Italian, he ______ (help) you with that letter last week. - had spoken; would have helped, If I ______ (have) enough money now, I ______ (travel) around the world last summer. - had; would have traveled, If we ______ (trust) his skills, we ______ (have) him on our team long ago. - had trusted; would have had, If I ______ (know) how to drive, I ______ (have) offered to take you to the airport last night. - had known; would have offered,

C1. Mixed Conditionals (second and third)


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