a apple /ă/, b bat /b/, c cat /k/, d dog /d/, e Ed /ĕ/, f fun /f/, g game /g/, h hat /h/, i itch /ĭ/, j jug /j/, k kite /k/, l lamp /l/, m man /m/, n nut /n/, o octopus /ŏ/, p pan /p/, qu queen /qu/, r rat /r/, s snake /s/, t top /t/, u up /ŭ/, v van /v/, w wind /w/, x fox /x/, y yellow /y/, z Zebra /z/, th thumb /th/, sh ship /sh/, ch chin /ch/, ck sock /ck/, wh whistle /wh/, Run around the room, Let's do Yoga, Say something kind about yourself, Do 5 jumping jacks, Touch your toes 5 times , Sing the ABCs, Jog in place for 20 seconds, Let's do Yoga.

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