rock - mixture of one or more minerals, rock fragments, volcanic glass, organic matter, or other natural materials; can be igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary, igneous rock - are formed rock created when hot magma or lava cools example.granite , sedimentary rock  - are formed when dead animals or plants and rocks are compressed example.limestone , metamorphic rock - are formed from when they were igneouse or sedimentary rocks before but due to pressure and now have completely changed example.metemorphic rock found in Ireland in marble , rock cycle - the series of processes that change one type of rock into another type of rock, positive impacts  of rocks - steel,cement,and the creation of phones, negative impacts - polloution,increase in noise and smoke and a increase in water polloution, magma - Molten rock beneath the earth's surface, lava - Magma that reaches Earth's surface,

Geography Chapter 2

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