1) George _____ to music when the earthquake ______. a) listened, happened b) was listening, happened c) listened, was happening d) was listening, was happening 2) At 12 o'clock last night, they _____ TV. a) watch b) were watching c) watched d) was watching 3) First I _____ the furniture and then I _____ the floor. a) dustted, moped b) was dusting, was mopping c) dusted, mopped d) dusted, was mopping 4) I ______ to Spain in 2009. a) moved b) was moving c) moving d) were moving 5) _______ to Athens last month? a) Were you flying b) Was you fliing c) Did you fly d) Did you fli 6) Marianna ______ her favourite book while her brother _____ to music. a) read, listened b) was reading, listened c) listened, was reading d) was reading, was listening 7) When the journalists _____ the actress, they _______ towards her. a) saw, ran b) seed, ran c) were seeing, were running d) saw, were running 8) We _______ when the giant wave ______ the shore. a) were sunbathing, was hitting b) were sunbathing, hit c) sunbathed, hit d) sunbathed, was hitting 9) What ________ at 9 o'clock yesterday evening? a) did you do b) did you doing c) were you doing d) was you doing 10) Ann _______ 15 last Tuesday. a) turnned b) turned c) was turning d) were turning

Past Simple vs. Past Continuous 2

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