1) I like swimming. - _________! It's great! a) So do I b) Neither do I c) I don't 2) I like collecting stickers. - __________ ! I've got so many of them. a) I don't b) Neither do I c) So do I 3) I like cooking. - __________ ! I prefer going to a café. a) So do I b) Neither do I c) I don't 4) I love reading comics. - __________! They're fantastic! a) Neither do I b) So do I c) I don't 5) I don't like making my bed in the morning. - _________! But I must do it. a) Neither do I b) So do I c) I don't 6) I play the drums. - _________ ! But I play the flute. a) Neither do I b) I don't c) So do I 7) I like going to school. - ________! Our lessons are so interesting. a) I don't b) So do I c) Neither do I 8) I hate doing the housework. - _________! It's terrible. a) So do I b) I don't c) Neither do I 9) I don't like going for a walk. - _________! I prefer playing computer games at home. a) So do I b) Neither do I c) I don't 10) I love rollerblading. - _________! I prefer riding a bike. a) I don't b) So do I c) Neither do I

So / Neither do I


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