True: Pathogens are also known as foreign invaders, Antigens are found on the surface of pathogens, White blood cells attack pathogens by creating antibodies and engulfing pathogens, Skin, mucus, and the inflammatory response are all part of non-specific immunity, The second line of defense is described as specific immunity, Antibodies are proteins that attack foreign invaders, Memory cells "remember" the pathogen, Passive immunity is when antibodies are given to a person from someone or something else, Active immunity builds the immune system, There are two ways to gain active immunity, Memory cells defend against future exposure, The two ways to gain active immunity includes getting sick or by a vaccine, AIDS is a disease of the immune system that results when white blood cell counts fall too low., A fever is an indication of an immune response to a pathogen., Passive immunity is when a person receives antibodies from someone else., Active immunity is when a person's body creates antibodies and memory cells. , False: A pathogen does not cause disease, Antigens are not specific, If a person gets the measles they are immune to the flu, Non-specific immunity attacks specific pathogens, An example of an inflammatory response is the creation of antibodies, An example of passive immunity includes vaccines, Breastfeeding is a type of active immunity, Antibodies do not help fight off diseases, A vaccine is a live and well pathogen that is inserted into the body, A way to know white blood cells are working properly is an increase in number of pathogens in the body, Autoimmune disease and allergies are not disorders of the immune system,
Immune System Review
9th Grade
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