1) My dad always tells me to _______ my bed a) take b) make c) clean d) wash 2) He never wants to ______ the bin. a) put b) mow c) empty d) vacuum 3) You ______ your room slowly ! a) tidy b) do c) wash d) unload 4) Greg ______ the table yesterday. a) wash b) dry c) make d) lay 5) In my house we never _______ the table after breakfast. a) clear b) load c) sweep d) take 6) There are lots of dirty plates ! _____ the dishwasher, please. a) Tidy b) Unload c) Do d) Load 7) They _________ the dishwasher twice a week. a) unload b) clear c) dry d) tidy 8) Ian has to ____ the lawn every two weeks. a) vacuum b) mow c) dry d) wash 9) I agreed to help my grandpa to _____ the laundry. a) do b) make c) dry d) sweep 10) We're going to the party so I need to ____ the ironing. a) sweep b) make c) lay d) do 11) I hate cooking so I have to _____ the dishes. a) wash b) sweep c) load d) set 12) After she empties the dishwasher, she does't have to _____ the dishes. a) dry b) load c) do d) empty 13) ________ the carpet in your room, now ! a) Do b) Lay c) Vacuum d) Tidy 14) The guests are about to come so don't _______ the floor. a) do b) sweep c) load d) make 15) They have a huge bathroom so they ________ it every day ! a) clean b) lay c) clear d) empty 16) My brothes don't _____ their clothes away. a) make b) swep c) put d) load

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