1) A discourse that makes many more words than necessary to express idea. a) Connotation b) Denotation c) Clutter d) Concrete words 2) "As proud as a peacock" is an example of: a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Parallelism d) Alliteration 3) "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" is an example of: a) Simile b) Parallelism c) Repitition d) Alliteration 4) "I like to jog, bake and paint" is an example of: a) Metaphor b) Antithesis c) Repitition d) Parallelism 5) Language should be appropriate according to the occasion, audience, topic and speaker a) True b) False 6) A speech delivered with little or no preparation. a) Reading from a manuscript b) Reciting from memory c) Speaking impromptu d) Speaking extemporaneously 7) The highness or lowness of the speaker’s voice. a) Volume b) Pitch c) Rate d) Pauses 8) The physical production of particular speech sounds. a) Vocal variety b) Pronunciation c) Articulation d) Dialect 9) Gestures you make should appear natural and spontaneous a) True b) False 10) When answering question, you should direct the answer to the questioner. a) True b) False

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