吸水的物体 objects that absorb water: 抹布 (cloth), 手帕 (handkerchief), 卫生纸 (tissue roll), 棉花 (cotton), 海绵 (sponge), 纸尿布 (diaper), 纸巾 (tissue paper), 毛巾 (towel), 袜子 (socks), 毛衣 (woolen sweater), 书 (book), 拖把 (mop), 帽子 (hat), 木板 (wood), 不吸水的物体 objects that can't absorb water: 塑料袋 (plastic bag), 叉子 (fork), 玻璃罐 (glass jar), 雨伞 (umbrella), 瓶盖 (bottle cap), 皮球 (ball), 刀 (knife), 石头 (stone), 橡皮 (rubber), 硬币 (coin), 回形针 (paper clip), 镜子 (mirror), 轮胎 (Tyre), 玻璃弹子 (marble),

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