1) The bag is not big __________ to hold all the clothes. a) very b) too c) enough 2) The room was large __________ to put all the furniture. a) very b) too c) enough 3) My mother is tall __________ to reach the top of the kitchen cabinet. a) very b) too c) enough 4) The rock is __________ big. The strong man cannot carry it. The rock is __________ big for him to carry. a) very, very b) too, too c) enough, enough d) very, too 5) The sea water is __________ cold. The swimmer cannot swim in it. The water is __________ cold for them to swim in. a) very, very b) too, too c) enough, enough d) very, too 6) The hole in the wall is __________ small. The mouse cannot go through it. The hole is __________ small for it to go through. a) very, very b) too, too c) enough, enough d) very, too 7) The fence is low __________ for them to jump over. a) very b) too c) enough 8) There are __________ many cars on the road. a) very b) too c) enough 9) The boys are __________ excited to be able to do the flying-fox. a) very b) too c) enough 10) I do not want any food. I have eaten __________ much already. a) very b) too c) enough

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