This soup is very _______________ (TASTE). , The food was absolutely ______________ (DISGUST) - I couldn't eat it., They skated over the ___________ (FREEZE) lake., He drove _______________ (CARE) on the icy roads., The project has attracted considerable criticism from the _______________ (SCIECE) community. , Thousands of _______________ (MOUSE) were found in the tiny basement. , She felt a great sense of _______________ (PROUD) as she watched him accept the award., She gave a superb ___________________ (PERFORM) as Lady Macbeth., She ________ (REGULAR) appears on TV talk shows., It would be ___________________ (RESPONSE) to ignore these warnings., I'm afraid I have to ______________ (AGREE) with you on that issue., It is a/an _____________ (LOGIC) statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false., Swimming is a very ______________________ way of staying in shape. (ENJOY), A special entrance is being built for wheelchair ___________________. (USE), This interruption is very ___________. (ANNOY)  , This programme is not ________ for children. (SUIT)  , The tasks were not ______________________ enough for me and I got bored. CHALLENGE, Put an ______________________ in the local paper to sell your car. ADVERT, I strongly _______________ (APPROVE) of underage drinking. , It was a cold, wet day and the children were ________________ (BORE)., It was ________________ (POSSIBLE) to sleep because of the noise., I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so ________________ (SECURE)., Are girls treated ________________ (DIFFEERENT)?, Doctors kept him ___ (LIVE) on a life-support machine., She's the most ________________ (POWER) person in the organization., It's the ________________ (INTELLIGENT) of her writing that impresses me., It's _______________ (USUAL) to have adult conversation like that with such a young child., Driving a lorry can be a ______________ (TIRE) job. , We still haven't found the dog's ___________ (OWN)., He found it hard to contain his _________ (ANGRY). , Merlin was the _________________ (MAGIC) in the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table., Millions of __________________ (VIEW) will be glued to their sets for this match., They are keen ___________________ (FOLLOW) of their local team., It is ___________________ (LEGAL) to drive a car that is not registered and insured., I'm convinced she's being __________________ (HONEST) about what happened and is just trying to avoid the blame., I strongly _________________ (APPROVE) of underage drinking., I can't afford it, it's too ____________. EXPENSE  , Your new glasses are very __________. ATTRACT  , The television isn't working ___________. PROPER  , It's _____ for the trees to flower so early. USUAL  , The city council is ________________ (RESPONSE) for keeping the streets clean., _________________ (FORTUNE), there's nothing I can do about your problem., You've got a _______________ (GUILT) conscience - that's why you can't sleep., It is ________________ (LEGAL) to drive a car that is not registered and insured., It's ________________ (FAIR) to take advantage of other people's misfortunes., She's rather ________________ (MATURE) for her age, don't you think?, It's an __________________ (EXPENSE) perfume. It only costs one pound., The two companies are in ___________ (COMPETE) with each other., Why does she need to speak to me so __ (URGENT)?, She has got four ________________ (CHILD)..

Revision Derivation Intermediate B

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