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7. клас Английски език

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3.589 resultaten voor '7 клас английски'

House (2nd grade)
House (2nd grade) Gelabelde afbeelding
Infinitive - Past Simple (irregular verbs)
Infinitive - Past Simple (irregular verbs) Verbinden
PastSimple - irregular verbs (4thgrade)
PastSimple - irregular verbs (4thgrade) Kruiswoordpuzzel
Who, what, where ...?
Who, what, where ...? Maak de zin af
Български език 1 клас
Български език 1 клас Quiz
Academy Stars 5 - Unit 1 (vocabulary)
Academy Stars 5 - Unit 1 (vocabulary) Verbinden
Частите на речта 2. клас
Частите на речта 2. клас Sorteren
Yesterday he ........ (Past simple - regular verbs)
Yesterday he ........ (Past simple - regular verbs) Verbinden
Събиране и изваждане до 5
Събиране и изваждане до 5 Sorteren
Антоними - 4.клас
Антоними - 4.клас Kies het antwoord
Speak out A2 Unit 1. Present simple + vocabulary
Speak out A2 Unit 1. Present simple + vocabulary Maak de zin af
Nouns Quiz
Пролет- 1 кл.
Пролет- 1 кл. Kruiswoordpuzzel
Easter vocabulary matching pairs
Easter vocabulary matching pairs Memory
Sports Verbinden
Conditionals Verbinden
 Who's he? (1)
Who's he? (1) Maak de zin af
Fairyland 4 Unit 12
Fairyland 4 Unit 12 Anagram
Key words
Key words Verbinden
Fairyland 4 Unit 12 Part 1
Fairyland 4 Unit 12 Part 1 Anagram
Easter vocabulary
Easter vocabulary Quiz
Words Science 3 Unit 5
Words Science 3 Unit 5 Anagram
Health remedies Unit 6 (6th grade)
Health remedies Unit 6 (6th grade) Quiz
Alphabet (A-P)
Alphabet (A-P) Anagram
Action and suggestions
Action and suggestions Verbinden
Деление на числата до 1000 с едноцифрено число
Деление на числата до 1000 с едноцифрено число Vakjes openmaken
Body parts
Body parts Verbinden
Colours 1 (wordsearch)
Colours 1 (wordsearch) Woordzoeker
Prepositions (Unit 6)
Prepositions (Unit 6) Quiz
Fruit and vegetables 2 (Unit 6)
Fruit and vegetables 2 (Unit 6) Draaitegels
Speaking 4th grade
Speaking 4th grade Kaarten delen
Past Simple - irregular verbs 4th grade
Past Simple - irregular verbs 4th grade Woordzoeker
Numbers (1 to 10)
Numbers (1 to 10) Verbinden
Четене Rad van fortuin
Alphabet words Part 2
Alphabet words Part 2 Anagram
At home /hangman/
At home /hangman/ Galgje
Market products
Market products Kies het antwoord
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Verbinden
Email and Internet B1 speaking questions
Email and Internet B1 speaking questions Kaarten delen
He's/ She's - characters
He's/ She's - characters Quiz
Game Verbinden
Sport Verbinden
At home
At home Kaarten delen
Too-too-moo and the giant
Too-too-moo and the giant Anagram
Me and nature
Me and nature Sorteren
Easter vocabulary easy
Easter vocabulary easy Kies het antwoord
Sights matching game
Sights matching game Verbinden
Clothes and weather (crossword)
Clothes and weather (crossword) Kruiswoordpuzzel
School items
School items Memory
Say it into English. Travelling+ modals
Say it into English. Travelling+ modals Flash-kaarten
Hard or soft "C"
Hard or soft "C" Goed of fout
Conversation questions using phrasal verbs - get
Conversation questions using phrasal verbs - get Kaarten delen
Hard or soft "G"
Hard or soft "G" Goed of fout
Imagination: craft
Imagination: craft Galgje
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