1) They ___________ to eat at fast food restaurants once in a while. a) likes b) like 2) These restaurants ___________ food like hamburgers, sausages, pizzas, and chips. a) sell b) sells 3) Everybody ____________ Encik Hakimi. a) know b) knows 4) Many people __________ at the park. They ___________ jogging. a) are, are b) is, is c) is, are 5) I __________ two sons and a daughter. a) have b) has 6) Many families __________ to eat out due to their busy lifestyle. a) like b) likes 7) There __________ still a lot of people who prepare food at home.  a) is b) are 8) He ________________ his own breakfast. a) prepares b) prepare 9) Everyone in the staff room __________ with him. a) agree b) agrees 10) The committee _______________ to go ahead with the plan. a) decides b) decide



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