He ____________ (have) a bath when someone suddenly opened the door., Mike ___________ (eat) dinner when he heard the news., While I __________ (iron), my husband ____________ (do) the washing-up., While the cat ____________ (sleep), the dog ate its food., What were you doing when I ____________ (call) you yesterday evening?, I ____________ (start) work at 7 and it was still dark outside., When I ____________ (finish) my homework, I cooked dinner., Yesterday Carrol ____________ (write) e-mails from 10 to 11., My grandma ____________ (watch) TV when I called her., The boys were hungry, so they ____________ (start) making lunch., The sea ____________ (be) very cold so we couldn't swim in it., The sky was grey and it ____________ (rain) all day., ____________ your mum ____________ (work) yesterday at 6?, ____________ you ____________ (watch) the latest sci-fi film?, I ____________ (write) a story for the school magazine, but they didn't print it..


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