1) Are you worried ... eating lots of chemicals? a) about b) in c) with d) of 2) I'm interested ... eating healthily. a) on b) in c) at d) by 3) Don't buy the chocolate if you're not happy ... it. a) about b) in c) with d) by 4) Are you sure ... the answer? a) in b) about c) by d) at 5) I think it's silly ... people to eat junk food. a) in b) on c) of d) for 6) She's very bad ... playing violin. a) in b) at c) on d) for 7) I's so excited ... our food party! a) of b) in c) about d) at 8) My mom is angry ... me because I haven't tidied my room yet. a) with b) in c) on d) for 9) I am bored ... my brother's silly questions! a) of b) with c) about d) at 10) I'm curious ... the history of America. a) about b) with c) on d) by 11) This cup of tea is full ... sugar! a) in b) by c) of d) on 12) İstanbul is famous ... its historical places. a) for b) with c) of d) in 13) It's very nice ... you to carry that old woman's bags. a) in b) about c) with d) of 14) I don't want my mother to be disappointed ... my exam results. a) with b) about c) on d) in 15) We're amazed ... the view of this balcony! a) in b) by c) on d) at

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