1/3 of 18 - 6, 1/2 of 10 - 5, 1/4 x 20 - 5, 2/5 x 25 - 10, 3/4 of 40 - 30, 4/5 x 35 - 28, 1/3 x 27 - 9, 1/4 x 36 - 9, 12 x 1/6 - 2, 2/3 of 24 - 16, 3/5 x 40 - 24, 1/9 of 54 - 6, 1/8 x 32 - 4, 64 x 1/8 - 8, 81 x 5/9 - 45,

fractions of whole numbers

door Anoniem


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