1) She --- (play) tennis at the weekend. a) plays b) plais c) playes 2) He --- (go) to school by bus. a) gos b) goies c) goes 3) The baby seldom --- (cry) . a) cryes b) cries c) crys 4) My dad --- (fly) planes. a) flys b) flyes c) flies 5) My brother --- study every day. a) doesn't b) don't c) do 6) She --- (do) her homework after school. a) dos b) do c) does 7) She --- try hard to be polite. a) don't b) doesn't c) do 8) _____ Lucy wash her hair every day. a) Am b) Do c) Does 9) He --- (enjoy) going swimming. a) enjoys b) enjoyes c) enjoies 10) ____ she buy a cup of coffee every morning? a) Do b) Does c) Are 11) _____ he like ice cream? a) Does b) Do c) Are 12) Does he _________ to the doctor? a) go b) gos c) goes 13) She ________ in the office. a) work b) works c) workies 14) They ________ in the ballet class. a) dances b) dance c) dancies 15) She always __________ tacos. a) eats b) eat c) eaties

Simple Present: third person singular


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