1) Read out the sentence and fill in the blanks when answering. Split yourselves into red and blue teams. each person can only answer 1 question. wining team gets to pick the game type for next time. a) I understand b) Repeat Please  c) I don't understand 2) In art we hold a canvas with a ______.  a) Eisle  b) Canvas c) pallet d) Era 3) To find the number or size of something in maths we have to ______ the answer.  a) Solve b) Equation  c) Calculate d) Calcium 4) An _____ is what we call an important man-made object from the past. a) Attic  b) Historical Period c) Historical Figure d) Artifact  5) Jungles, forests and deserts are all _____. a) Volcanoes b) People c) Biomes d) Countries 6) In Computer-Studies a keyboard, Mouse and Monitor are all examples of _______. a) Software b) Hardware c) Streetware d) Animals 7) ______ is not a ball game. a) Badminton b) Golf c) Table tennis d) Swimming 8) Novels & Poems are part of English _______ . a) Language b) Grammar c) Literature d) People  9) The study of matter and energy of the Universe is called ______ a) .Science b) Chemistry c) Maths  d) Physics  10) A guitar, A piano and A violin are all _______. a) Instruments  b) Songs c) Subjects d) Classes 11) Indonesia has many _______ . a) Deserts b) Oceans c) Volcanoes d) vulcans 12) the following (5 x 16 = x) is an example of a _______ . a) Calculate b) Equation c) Solving d) Maths 13) Biology is the study of whaat? a) Chemicals and how they work b) Matter and energy c) Gorillas d) Life 14) Powerpoint, Microsoft Word and Zoom are all examples of _______ .   a) Hardware b) Software c) Computers d) Streetware  15) When painting in art we hold the paint on a ________ . a) Canvas b) Palette c) Eisle d) Painting 16) Sukarno the first president of Indonesia. Is an example of a  _______. a) Artifact b) Fig c) Historical period  d) Historical Figure 17) A set of musical notes together are called a ______ a) Band b) Note c) Instrument d) Guitar 18) The structure of Language is called _________ a) Poetry b) Literature c) Spelling d) Grammar 19) _______ is the study of chemicals  a) Chemistry b) Art c) Physics d) Science 20) The medieval era is an example of a _________ a) Historical figure b) Artifact c) School subject d) Historical period 21) I know how to ____ the maths question. a) Solve b) Equate c) Mathematics d) Calculate 22) I have to ____ the school subjects in Mr Jacks English Lesson a) Study b) Equate c) Solve d) Exercise 23) I found this English ______ to be ....... a) Lesson b) Club c) timetable d) Exam 24) Winning team please pick the game for next time.  a) Wack a mole b) fill in the blank c) Hangman  d) Quiz  e) I don't want to play more games f) Any

School subject fill in the blank


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