

Eksempler fra fellesskapet vårt

41 resultater for kvikiis

Speakout 2A- ways of comparing
Speakout 2A- ways of comparing Gruppe sortering
Sorting EGE topics
Sorting EGE topics Gruppe sortering
Speakout C1 (3rd) Unit 2B
Speakout C1 (3rd) Unit 2B Åpne boksen
EGE Exam
EGE Exam Gruppe sortering
Go Getter 2 Units 5-6 Revision
Go Getter 2 Units 5-6 Revision Match opp
GTTW B1+ Unit 2 Past Tenses
GTTW B1+ Unit 2 Past Tenses Gruppe sortering
Go Getter 2 Unit 5.4 - Is it far?
Go Getter 2 Unit 5.4 - Is it far? Gruppe sortering
Go Getter 3 Unit 8.1
Go Getter 3 Unit 8.1 Gruppe sortering
Go Getter 2 Unit 5.1 Prepositons
Go Getter 2 Unit 5.1 Prepositons Spørrelek
Speakout C1 Modal verbs and phrases
Speakout C1 Modal verbs and phrases Gruppe sortering
Roadmap C1 Unit 1
Roadmap C1 Unit 1 Tilfeldige kort
Go Getter 2 Unit 6.3 Regular or Irregular
Go Getter 2 Unit 6.3 Regular or Irregular Gruppe sortering
Warm-up_Go Getter 2
Warm-up_Go Getter 2 Åpne boksen
Speakout C1 Discussion
Speakout C1 Discussion Tilfeldige kort
Speakout C1 Units 1-3 revision
Speakout C1 Units 1-3 revision Tilfeldige kort
Own It 1 Unit 2 - Leisure activities
Own It 1 Unit 2 - Leisure activities Gruppe sortering
Go Getter 2 Unit 6.4 Communication
Go Getter 2 Unit 6.4 Communication Fullfør setningen
Own It 1 Unit 2 Daily routines
Own It 1 Unit 2 Daily routines Flash-kort
GTTW B1+ Unit 2 Past Tenses speaking
GTTW B1+ Unit 2 Past Tenses speaking Tilfeldige kort
GG2_Sorting Gruppe sortering
GTTW B1+ Unit 2 Accommodation
GTTW B1+ Unit 2 Accommodation Tilfeldige kort
Speakout C1 Unit 2d Flavours
Speakout C1 Unit 2d Flavours Tilfeldige kort
Go Getter 2 Unit 7.2 Equipment
Go Getter 2 Unit 7.2 Equipment Wordsearch
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.3
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.3 Finn treffet
Outcomes Adv Unit 8
Outcomes Adv Unit 8 Match opp
Own It 1 Unit 5 Accessories
Own It 1 Unit 5 Accessories Wordsearch
Go Getter 2 Unit 0.5 Adjectives
Go Getter 2 Unit 0.5 Adjectives Flash-kort
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Communication
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Communication Løse opp
Own It 1 Unit 4 Speaking
Own It 1 Unit 4 Speaking Løse opp
Own It 1 Unit 3 Places in a school
Own It 1 Unit 3 Places in a school Tilfeldige kort
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