
English Grammar

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2 534 resultater for english grammar

Jolly Grammar Suffixes 'ing' Missing Word
Jolly Grammar Suffixes 'ing' Missing Word Fullfør setningen
Adjectives Find the Match
Adjectives Find the Match Finn treffet
Jolly Grammar Find the proper nouns Group Sort
Jolly Grammar Find the proper nouns Group Sort Gruppe sortering
Jolly Grammar Speech Marks Unjumble
Jolly Grammar Speech Marks Unjumble Løse opp
Interesting Words/Synonyms Group Sort
Interesting Words/Synonyms Group Sort Gruppe sortering
Alphabetical order Rank Order
Alphabetical order Rank Order Rangeringsrekkefølge
Possessive pronouns Quiz
Possessive pronouns Quiz Spørrelek
Days, months, seasons Group Sort
Days, months, seasons Group Sort Gruppe sortering
Jolly Grammar put the letters in alphabetical order Unjumble
Jolly Grammar put the letters in alphabetical order Unjumble Løse opp
Parsing - Identify the Parts of Speech Group Sort
Parsing - Identify the Parts of Speech Group Sort Gruppe sortering
The Capital Letters Big Super Quiz
The Capital Letters Big Super Quiz Quiz for spillshow
A2 - Adverbs of frequency - joe c
A2 - Adverbs of frequency - joe c Løse opp
Empower b2 unit 3b
Empower b2 unit 3b Løse opp
Jolly Grammar - Regular past tense
Jolly Grammar - Regular past tense Samsvarende par
Jolly Grammar Silent K Spelling List Hangman
Jolly Grammar Silent K Spelling List Hangman Bøddel
o_e Magic e Whack-a-mole
o_e Magic e Whack-a-mole Whack-a-mole
Jolly Grammar Homophones-are/our, their/there Missing Word
Jolly Grammar Homophones-are/our, their/there Missing Word Fullfør setningen
Spelling Rules. Write the plural:
Spelling Rules. Write the plural: Kryssord
An Aimsir Assessment
An Aimsir Assessment Spørrelek
Jolly Grammar 'ei' and 'eigh' saying the /ai/ sound Wordsearch
Jolly Grammar 'ei' and 'eigh' saying the /ai/ sound Wordsearch Wordsearch
3Y German Umwelt weil or denn?
3Y German Umwelt weil or denn? Fullfør setningen
Tricky words 10-20
Tricky words 10-20 Samsvarende par
Commas in Speech Unjumble
Commas in Speech Unjumble Løse opp
Synonyms/Interesting Words Group Sort
Synonyms/Interesting Words Group Sort Gruppe sortering
Identify the Parts of Speech Group Sort 2
Identify the Parts of Speech Group Sort 2 Gruppe sortering
Missing word - Questions
Missing word - Questions Fullfør setningen
Adjectives, Comparatives and Superlatives Group Sort
Adjectives, Comparatives and Superlatives Group Sort Gruppe sortering
Adjectives Quiz
Adjectives Quiz Spørrelek
Possessive Pronouns Missing Word
Possessive Pronouns Missing Word Fullfør setningen
Edmark L1 Word Group 1 Find the Match
Edmark L1 Word Group 1 Find the Match Finn treffet
Verb 'to be' Missing Word
Verb 'to be' Missing Word Fullfør setningen
Tricky words 30-40
Tricky words 30-40 Wordsearch
Tricky Words 30-40
Tricky Words 30-40 Samsvarende par
Adverbs - Whack-a-mole
Adverbs - Whack-a-mole Whack-a-mole
Prepositions Match Up
Prepositions Match Up Match opp
Tricky Words 1-15 unscramble
Tricky Words 1-15 unscramble Anagram
3YF Adverbes Word Order
3YF Adverbes Word Order Løse opp
Jolly Grammar 'air' saying the /air/ sound Matching Pairs
Jolly Grammar 'air' saying the /air/ sound Matching Pairs Samsvarende par
Jolly Grammar soft 'g' saying the /j/ sound Match Up
Jolly Grammar soft 'g' saying the /j/ sound Match Up Match opp
Their, They're and There
Their, They're and There Quiz for spillshow
Jolly Grammar Silent 'w' Spelling List Crossword
Jolly Grammar Silent 'w' Spelling List Crossword Kryssord
Jolly Grammar /ture/ Spelling List Find the Match
Jolly Grammar /ture/ Spelling List Find the Match Finn treffet
Jolly Grammar Silent 'w' Spelling List Matching Pairs
Jolly Grammar Silent 'w' Spelling List Matching Pairs Samsvarende par
Past Simple and Past Continuous speaking cards
Past Simple and Past Continuous speaking cards Tilfeldig hjul
Jolly Grammar 'ph' making the /f/ sound Hangman
Jolly Grammar 'ph' making the /f/ sound Hangman Bøddel
o_e Magic e Anagram
o_e Magic e Anagram Anagram
Jolly Grammar Silent 'w' Spelling List Anagram
Jolly Grammar Silent 'w' Spelling List Anagram Anagram
Jolly Grammar Alphabetical Order Unjumble
Jolly Grammar Alphabetical Order Unjumble Løse opp
Jolly Grammar 'ie' saying the /ee/ sound Whack-a-mole
Jolly Grammar 'ie' saying the /ee/ sound Whack-a-mole Whack-a-mole
Tricky Words 30-40
Tricky Words 30-40 Finn treffet
Empower b1+ unit01 Vocab Focus pg152 Ex:1a
Empower b1+ unit01 Vocab Focus pg152 Ex:1a Match opp
Opposites Finn treffet
CVC Words
CVC Words Spørrelek
Irish Slang
Irish Slang Spørrelek
What a Box - Words 1-36
What a Box - Words 1-36 Åpne boksen
Christmas Match opp
Jolly Grammar the /oa/ sound 'oa,' 'ow' or 'o_e' Matching Pairs
Jolly Grammar the /oa/ sound 'oa,' 'ow' or 'o_e' Matching Pairs Samsvarende par
Jolly Grammar - The /er/ sound: ‘er,’ ‘ir,’ or ‘ur’? Hangman
Jolly Grammar - The /er/ sound: ‘er,’ ‘ir,’ or ‘ur’? Hangman Bøddel
Jolly Grammar - The /er/ sound: ‘er,’ ‘ir,’ or ‘ur’? Find the Match
Jolly Grammar - The /er/ sound: ‘er,’ ‘ir,’ or ‘ur’? Find the Match Finn treffet
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