
Primary English

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414 resultater for primary english

Health Symptoms
Health Symptoms Spørrelek
Ordinal numbers in dates with audio
Ordinal numbers in dates with audio Finn treffet
Past simple
Past simple Finn treffet
facial expressions
facial expressions Finn treffet
Questions 1
Questions 1 Løse opp
ing verbs
ing verbs Tilfeldig hjul
Family Members QUIZ
Family Members QUIZ Spørrelek
Dolphin saves a woman's phone
Dolphin saves a woman's phone Fullfør setningen
Past simple 2
Past simple 2 Finn treffet
NZ quiz 1
NZ quiz 1 Spørrelek
NZ General Election 2023 with audio
NZ General Election 2023 with audio Spørrelek
Possessive adjectives his/her...
Possessive adjectives his/her... Spørrelek
12 clothing words to unscramble
12 clothing words to unscramble Anagram
Group sort 3 lit
Group sort 3 lit Gruppe sortering
15 clothing words - flash cards
15 clothing words - flash cards Vend fliser
Subject pronouns
Subject pronouns Spørrelek
Present perfect -formation & past participle
Present perfect -formation & past participle Fullfør setningen
Read it - Long /e/
Read it - Long /e/ Fullfør setningen
CLOVER Syllable Practice
CLOVER Syllable Practice Gruppe sortering
Long /o/ or Long /e/
Long /o/ or Long /e/ Gruppe sortering
/ow/ or /ou/
/ow/ or /ou/ Gruppe sortering
/ow/ and /ou/ Cloze passage
/ow/ and /ou/ Cloze passage Fullfør setningen
Long /o/ & Long /e/ CLOZE passage
Long /o/ & Long /e/ CLOZE passage Fullfør setningen
Long /e/
Long /e/ Gruppe sortering
Long /o/
Long /o/ Gruppe sortering
Long /e/ sentences cloze
Long /e/ sentences cloze Fullfør setningen
/ou/ & /ow/ Sentences
/ou/ & /ow/ Sentences Løse opp
Collective Nouns
Collective Nouns Match opp
Some Maori words
Some Maori words Finn treffet
Some Maori words - quiz with audio
Some Maori words - quiz with audio Spørrelek
Verb To be: present and past tenses
Verb To be: present and past tenses Fly
Word endings
Word endings Match opp
Grammar Bomb
Grammar Bomb Match opp
Verbos Flash-kort
říkat - to say
říkat - to say Flash-kort
být Match opp
čekat na +acc
čekat na +acc Match opp
platit za   + acc
platit za + acc Match opp
ucházet se (o něco)  acc.
ucházet se (o něco) acc. Flash-kort
vidět  +acc
vidět +acc Flash-kort
mít Match opp
běhat - to run
běhat - to run Match opp
dělat Flash-kort
zajímat se o    +acc
zajímat se o +acc Match opp
Translate these words and phrases.
Translate these words and phrases. Spørrelek
běhat - to run
běhat - to run Flash-kort
5. pád  jména  (muži)
5. pád jména (muži) Flash-kort
slovesa s akuzativem
slovesa s akuzativem Spørrelek
dát si
dát si Match opp
5. pád   jména (muži)
5. pád jména (muži) Gruppe sortering
ten/ta/to     rody
ten/ta/to rody Gruppe sortering
ucházet se (o něco)                      acc.
ucházet se (o něco) acc. Match opp
dělat Match opp
Te Reo kupu
Te Reo kupu Match opp
utrácet za  +acc
utrácet za +acc Match opp
být Flash-kort
mít Flash-kort
říkat - to say
říkat - to say Match opp
dát si
dát si Flash-kort
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