
Dwujęzyczność zamierzona

Eksempler fra fellesskapet vårt

13 resultater for dwujęzyczność zamierzona

What's the WEATHER like today?
What's the WEATHER like today? Merket diagram
My, his, her parts of the body (20)
My, his, her parts of the body (20) Finn treffet
Places and things in the house
Places and things in the house Merket diagram
I'm a believer - lyrics
I'm a believer - lyrics Match opp
15 podstawowych czasowników nieregularnych (=15 basic irregular verbs)
15 podstawowych czasowników nieregularnych (=15 basic irregular verbs) Finn treffet
Z&K are swinging together: unscramble the sentence
Z&K are swinging together: unscramble the sentence Løse opp
My baby boy....
My baby boy.... Fullfør setningen
Basic verbs - podstawowe czasowniki. Match a picture with a word
Basic verbs - podstawowe czasowniki. Match a picture with a word Match opp
ESL motivational calendar matching- picture & English sentence
ESL motivational calendar matching- picture & English sentence Samsvarende par
Kopia ESL motivational calendar matching- pic&English sentence
Kopia ESL motivational calendar matching- pic&English sentence Samsvarende par
Z&K are swinging together: match with the Polish translation
Z&K are swinging together: match with the Polish translation Samsvarende par
Z&K are swinging together: match the sentence with its Polish translation
Z&K are swinging together: match the sentence with its Polish translation Match opp
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