1) Cheetahs __________ faster than any other animal in the world. a) run b) gallops c) runs d) do 2) Every time I _____________ an exam, I get good marks!  a) do b) takes  c) does d) fail 3) I always _______ olive oil and garlic when I ______________ pasta.  a) cook, cook  b) uses, cooks c) cook, use d) use, cook  4) I ______________ like it when my team ____________ a soccer match. a) doesn't, loses b) not, lose c) don't, loses d) don't, lose  5) Andy is so clumsy! He always ____________ glasses when he _________________ a drink.  a) breaks, take b) break, take c) breaks, has  d) break, have  6) Sophie __________ the guitar beautifully.  a) plays b) play  c) is play d) playing 7) Chris ______________ his bike in the mountains every weekend.  a) rodes b) rides c) drive d) takes 8) My grandmother ______________ the best bread in the world! a) do b) roasts c) cooks d) bakes 9) Monica and Angelo ______________ three dogs, two cats, and a rabbit.  a) have b) haves c) has d) get 10) Angela ____________ a very successful doctor. She ______________ lot of money.  a) was, make b) is, always c) is, earns d) are, have 

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