1) You eat ... red meat. It isn't good for you. a) too much b) too many c) too d) enough 2) I'm not very fit. I don't do ... exercise. a) too much b) too many c) too d) enough 3) I can't walk to work. It's ... far. a) too much b) too many c) too d) enough 4) There are ... cars on the roads today. a) too much b) too many c) too d) enough 5) I spend ... time on the computer - it gives me headaches. a) too much b) too many c) too d) enough 6) I don't read ...- only five or six books a year. a) too much b) too many c) too d) enough 7) I didn't buy the coat because it was ... expensive. a) too much b) too many c) too d) enough 8) There were ... people at the hospital, so it was impossible to see a doctor. a) too much b) too many c) too d) enough 9) I don't like watching films on my phone because the screen isn't big... a) too much b) too many c) too d) enough 10) How ... coffee do you drink? a) much b) many 11) I eat ... chocolate. a) too much b) too 12) I eat ... crisps. a) too much b) too many 13) Do you drink ...? a) enough water b) water enough 14) I can't come. I'm ... busy a) too b) too much 15) This suitcase isn't ... a) big enough b) enough big 16) I worry ... a) too much b) too many 17) You're always at home! You don't ... a) enough go out. b) go out enough. 18) I don't eat ... a) enough vegetables. b) vegetables enough.

too, too much/many, enough


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