strangle - to kill someone by pressing their throat so that they cannot breathe, enslavement - the act of making a slave of someone, prudent - careful and avoiding risks, interrogate - to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, culprit - someone who has done something wrong, accuse - to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind, fraud - someone who deceives people by saying that they are someone or something that they are not, frame - to make a person seem to be guilty of a crime when they are not, distraught - extremely worried, nervous, or upset, fret - to be nervous or worried, persuasive - making you want to do or believe a particular thing, unleash - to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled, mangled - destroyed by being twisted with force or torn into pieces so that the original form is completely changed, chase - hurry after someone or something in order to catch him, fancy - to like or wish for, plot - a secret plan made by several people to do something that is wrong, harmful, or not legal, enchanted - affected by magic or seeming to be affected by magic, fetch - to go to another place to get something or someone and bring it, him, or her back, disgrace - embarrassment and the loss of other people's respect, or behaviour that causes this, exposure - the fact of something bad that someone has done being made public, inflict - to force someone to experience something very unpleasant, property - a quality in a substance or material, petrified - having changed to a substance like stone, sprinkle - to drop a few pieces or drops of something over a surface, neglect - not give enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility, faint - suddenly become unconscious for a short time, codswallop - nonsense, fickle - likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason, seal - to close a letter or parcel by sticking the edges together, heir - a person who will legally receive money, property, or a title from another person,


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