vegan - a person who doesn't eat meat or any animals products, delicious - tasty , dish - food cooked in a special way, ancient - very old, waterproof - you can take it into water, it keeps water out , equipment - things you need to play a sport , journey - a long trip, greedy - being selfish and wanting everything for yourself, secretive - not tell anyone much about yourself, brutal - very violent , explorer - a person who discovers new places , warrior - a person who fights in wars, wounded - injured, hurt by a gun or a knife , wise - very clever and knowledgeable , diary - a notebook in which you write about your everyday life , van - a motor vehicle bigger than a car and smaller than a truck , neighbour - a person who lives next to you , bury - put into the ground, robber - a person who steals money from the bank , poisonous - deadly, causing illness or death if taken into the body ,

Way to go 3 plus – Unit 3: Lessons 11-15 vocabulary


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