unique selling point - Something that makes the business stand out from the others, perhaps they offer a bespoke service that no-one else does. , assets - Things owned by the company, accounts payable - Money owed by the company to external suppliers , capital - Amount invested into the company by its owners or investors , cash flow - The movement of cash in and out of the business , creditor  - A person or organisation that has lent the business money and to which is owed, gross domestic product - The sum of all goods and services produced in the country's economy , inflation - Price/cost rise , depreciation - Price/cost decreases (gets lower), liquid asset - Goods that can be quickly converted into cash, margin - A profit margin is calculated based on how much money a company has made from providing a service or selling goods , national insurance - A form of tax that everyone who is in employment must pay , negative equity - When the sum owed is more than the value of the service or cost of goods, net - The amount of profit remaining after deductions such as salaries and goods and tax have been paid, revenue - Amount of money received by (or owed to) a company for good or services provided, turnover - The total sales of a business during a specified period of time , working capital  - The capital that the business uses in day to day trading ,


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