action-packed - action-packed, addictive - a book or film that you quickly become addicted to, creepy - producing a sensation of uneasiness or fear, scary, dreary - gloomy or depressing, entertaining - funny and enjoyable, futuristic - telling about the future, heartbreaking - that breaks your heart and evokes sad emotions, inspirational - evoking inspiration, intense - a book or film loaded with actions and emotions that evokes strong feelings, tear-jerking - tragic, making you cry, thought-provoking - a book or film that makes you think of new ideas or that changes your attitude to something, action movie - film with fast moving scenes, often containing violence, bedtime reading - a book you read in your bed before going to sleep, box office hit - a very successful movie, in terms of money, e-reader - a gadget for reading books, from cover to cover - from the first page to the last, hardcover - a book with hard cover. Opposite to softcover., page turner - a book which is so good that you cannot stop reading it., plot - a storyline of a book or film, unravelling of the plot - the way in which a story develops over time,

BOOKS and FILMS (vocabulary focus)


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