1) I _________ to the school yesterday. a) Go b) Went c) Were 2) Catalina _________ in her house this morning. a) Is b) Were c) Was 3) José and Valentín _________ at the park last Monday. a) Were b) Are c) Was 4) What is the past tense of: Look? a) Lookt b) Looked c) Loked 5) What is the past tense of: Clean? a) Cleaned b) Cleand c) Cleant 6) What is the past tense of: Think? a) Thinked b) Thought c) Thoughed 7) What is the past tense of: Believe? a) Beleved b) Believen c) Believed 8) What is the past tense of: Buy? a) Bought b) Buyed c) Buy 9) We always ___________ to Punta Arenas when we were young. a) Jumped b) Traveled c) Ate 10) Benjamín __________ in Mexico for 12 years. a) Lived b) Showed c) Walked

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