compression waves - Longitudinal waves are also called ____________ . , refraction - __________ occurs when waves bend due to a change in speed. , antinodes - ____________ exist in standing waves where amplitude is the greatest. , Hertz - Frequency is measured in ___________ which means waves per second. , constructive - In ___________ interference, waves interact to form waves with a larger amplitude than the original waves. , vibration - A ________ consists of repeated back-and-forth and up-and-down motion that results in a mechanical wave. , reflection - ______ occurs when waves hit a surface and bounce back. This also happens when light hits a mirror or when sound echoes. , amplitude - The ______ of a wave is the maximum distance that the medium moves from its rest position. , transverse wave - In a ___________, the medium & the wave travel perpendicular to one another. , standing wave - A __________ occurs when waves interact in such a manner that they appear to be standing still. , diffraction - _______ occurs when waves bend around a barrier. , nodes - ________ exist in standing waves where there is an amplitude of zero. , surface waves - ________ have both longitudinal and transverse components and exist at the surface where two mediums meet. Water waves in the ocean are an example. , crest - The highest point of a transverse wave is the ______. , rarefaction - The part of the longitudinal wave where the particles or coils are spaced farthest apart is called a ____________. , resonance - ___________ is the tendency of a system to vibrate at maximum amplitude at certain frequencies. , destructive - In _________ interference, waves interact to form waves with a smaller amplitude than the original waves. , compression - The part of a longitudinal wave where the coils or particles are closest together is called a ____________. , wavelength - The distance between two corresponding parts of a wave is referred to as the _____________. , wave - A ___________ is a disturbance that transfers energy from one location to another. , waves - All ___________ have wavelength, frequency, and amplitude. , mechanical waves - ____________ require a medium to travel through. , frequency - As wavelength increases, ____________ decreases. , energy - _________ is the ability to do work. ,


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