1) Peace agreement between the leaders of Egypt and Israel at Camp David with President Carter a) Camp David Accords b) Iran Hostage Crisis c) Persian Gulf War 2) Iranian fundamentalists seized the American embassy in Tehran and held 53 American diplomats hostages until 1981. a) Camp David Accords b) Iran Hostage Crisis c) Persian Gulf War d) Iran Contra Affair 3) Officials in the Reagan administration sold arms to Iran using the proceeds to finance anti-Communist rebels in Nicaragua. a) Camp David Accords b) Iran Hostage Crisis c) Persian Gulf War d) Iran Contra Affair 4) President Bush and the US led UN forces pushed Iraq and Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1990 a) Camp David Accords b) Iran Hostage Crisis c) Persian Gulf War d) Iran Contra Affair 5) international organization whose mission is to coordinate the policies of the oil-producing countries. a) OPEC b) NATO c) GATT d) NAFTA 6) monitors world trade and settle trade disputes. a) OPEC b) NATO c) GATT d) NAFTA 7) Free trade agreement between Mexico, Canada and United States a) OPEC b) NATO c) GATT d) NAFTA 8) an intergovernmental military alliance between 30 European and North American countries to protect each other from Communism a) OPEC b) NATO c) GATT d) NAFTA 9) the Supreme Court struck down a state law that required Amish children to attend school beyond grade 8 because it violated the parent's freedom of religion a) Brown v Board of Education b) Wisconsin v. Yoder c) Tinker v. Des Moines d) Nixon v. United States 10) Students were suspended for wearing black armbands to protest Vietnam. The Supreme Court ruled that the students' first amendment rights were violated. a) Brown v Board of Education b) Wisconsin v. Yoder c) Tinker v. Des Moines d) Nixon v. United States 11) ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional a) Brown v Board of Education b) Wisconsin v. Yoder c) Tinker v. Des Moines d) Nixon v. United States 12) first women appointed to US Supreme Court a) Sandra Day O'Conner b) Dolores Huerta c) Betty Freidan d) Jane Addams 13) A progressive social reformer and activist on the frontline of the settlement house movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries a) Sandra Day O'Conner b) Dolores Huerta c) Betty Freidan d) Jane Addams 14) a break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters in Washington, D.C. and President Richard Nixon's administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement a) Teapot Dome Scandal b) Pentagon Papers c) Watergate Scandal d) Clinton's Impeachment 15) a member of Harding's cabinet was convicted of accepting bribes from oil companies a) Teapot Dome Scandal b) Pentagon Papers c) Watergate Scandal d) Clinton's Impeachment 16) Published at a time when support for U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War was rapidly declining, these confirmed many people’s suspicions about the active role the U.S. government had taken in building up the conflict a) Teapot Dome Scandal b) Pentagon Papers c) Watergate Scandal d) Clinton's Impeachment 17) Caused by lying under oath and obstructing justice to cover up an Oval Office affair with Monica Lewinsky, an intern. a) Teapot Dome Scandal b) Pentagon Papers c) Watergate Scandal d) Clinton's Impeachment 18) Increased supply by lowering taxes and deregulating business a) Reaganomics b) Community Reinvestment Act c) Environmental Protection Agency Species Act d) Vietnamization 19) required banks to make credit available in poor communities a) Reagnomics b) Community Reinvestment Act c) Environmental Protection Agency d) Vietnamization 20) is an agency of the United States federal government whose mission is to protect human and environmental health. a) Reagnomics b) Community Reinvestment Act c) Environmental Protection Agency d) Vietnamization

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