1) Balance is to even distribution; emphasis is to a) attracting b) colors c) design d) weight 2) Movement is to guide the eye; rhythm is to create a) attraction b) organization c) unity d) visuals 3) These are the visual elements creating a sense of unity where they relate well with one another. a) emphasis b) proportion c) style d) variety 4) It uses several design elements to draw a viewer's attention. a) emphasis b) proportion c) style d) variety 5) It makes complex data become more visually appealing to the average user. a) infographics b) piktocharts c) slideshows d) tables 6) The following are common image file format used on the internet except; a) BMP b) GIF c) JPEG d) PNG 7) The file extension JPEG stands for a) Japan Photo Excellence Guild b) Joint Photographic Experts Group c) Jotter Prime Element d) None of the above 8) A file format typically used for screenshots a) GIF b) JPEG c) PNG d) RAW 9) It means to avoid being fancy by using a font style that is easy to read. a) clarity b) contrast c) consistency d) simplicity 10) It means to summarize the information on the screen to have your audience focus on what the speaker is saying. a) clarity b) contrast c) consistency d) simplicity

Grade 11 - ICT (Manipulating Text, Graphics, and Images to Create ICT Content for an Online Environment)


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