Verdadero: She often uses an MP3 player to listen to music, They always use a pen drive to store information, She often uses a satnav to find places , They don't use headphones to listen to their teacher, I always use a charger to charge my mobile phone, Do you often use a calculator to do maths?, Does she use a tablet?, They don't use a video games console to play games, Does Mary use a webcam to talk to people?, We sometimes use a stopwatch to time PE activities, Falso: She uses often an MP3 player to listen to music, They always uses a pen drive to store information, She often use a pen drive to store information, They doesn't use headphones to listen to their teacher, I always charge a use to charger my mobile phone, Does you often use a calculator to do maths?, Does she uses a tablet?, They doesn't use a video games console to play video games, Do Mary use a webcam to talk to people?, We sometimes uses a stopwatch to time PE activities,




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