Do you agree with the story that technology designed to make our lives easier will end up making us spoiled and unhappy? Explain., What are some examples of technology that you approve of and think are beneficial? Why do you think that?, What are some examples of new technology that you DON'T approve of? Why do you feel that way?, Many people thought technology would help us do things faster. Do you think it saves us time? Why/why not? , What should people do to keep from being spoiled by technology?, Describe where George and Lydia were being GOOD parents., Describe where George and Lydia were being BAD parents., What are the biggest mistakes the parents make in this story?, How will children play 100 years from now?, How do you think families will spend time together 100 years from now?, What problems might families face 100 years from now?, What do you think happened at the end of the story? Why do you think that?, Why are Wendy and Peter so disrespectful? How could this have been avoided?, What do you think Ray Bradbury, the author, is trying to say about our possible future with advanced technology?, Why is the nursery so important to Wendy and Peter?, At the end of the story, do the children know what happened to the parents, or is it just another fantasy for them?, Why does the story end with Peter and Wendy having a picnic and behaving politely toward David McLean?, Why does George tell Lydia that the children are "spoiled and we're spoiled"?, Why do George and Lydia agree to "just another moment of nursery" after they have turned it off?.

The Veldt - Discussion Questions


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