1) There are many … on the table. a) boxes b) boxs c) box 2) Our dog has three nice … a) puppy b) puppys c) puppies 3) All … should go to school. a) childs b) childrens c) children 4) Many … work at the factory. a) man b) men c) mens 5) The majority of teachers are … a) women b) womans c) woman 6) You should clean your … twice a day. a) teeth b) teethes c) tooth 7) I saw many … in the village. a) goose b) gooses c) geese 8) There are many forks and … on the table. a) knife b) knifes c) knives 9) Our … are made of wool. a) scarfes b) scarves c) scarf 10) Girls are usually afraid of … a) mice b) mouse c) mouses

Choose the correct form of the nouns.


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