1) Which word rhymes with claws? a) wart b) jaws c) mouse 2) Which word rhymes with fox? a) stream b) gruffalo c) rocks 3) Which word rhymes with nose? a) toes b) owl c) eyes 4) Which word rhymes with wood? a) snake b) good c) fox 5) Which word rhymes with mouse? a) house b) prickles c) tongue 6) Which word rhymes with stream? a) owl b) tree c) ice cream 7) Which word rhymes with snake? a) nut b) lake c) tusks 8) Which word rhymes with back? a) nose b) black c) gruffalo 9) Which word rhymes with Gruffalo? a) No b) rocks c) look

Rhyming words - The Gruffalo


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