How are you today?, What do you like eating?, Where do you like going at the weekends?, What do you eat for dinner?, Where do you have dinner?, What do you do in the morning?, What do you do with your friends at the weekends?, How old are you?, What`s your favourite animal?, Tell me about your hobbies., Who cooks your dinner?, Tell me three activities you do at home., Where do you play with your friends?, Tell me about your best friend., Describe your room., Talk about your favourite clothes., What's your favourite sport? Why?, What's your favourite season? Why?, Talk about you!, Name some food you don't like., What's your favourite Subject Matter? Why?, What do you do in Romanian class?, What do you do in English class?, Where do you like going on holiday? , Do you like mountains or the seaside?, How do like travelling? By plane/By car/By train?, Why is it important to have a mobile phone?, What do you eat to stay healthy?, Talk about a job you like. Why?, What's your favourite country? Why? Because....

Question Wheel 30 questions


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