1) A belief that the best way to bring lasting peace to China was by living in harmony with nature. a) Confuscianism b) Ancestor worship c) Buddhism d) Daoism 2) The right to rule given by the gods was called ................... a) Divine right b) Dynastical rule c) Duty to rule d) Mandate of Heaven 3) Who was known as the first emperor of China? a) Han b) Taizu c) Qin Shi Huangdi d) Gengis Khan 4) What is legalism? a) The idea that people are naturally bad and must be controlled by law b) The idea that the individual must be in charge of oneself c) The idea that people are naturally good and must be good examples d) The idea that people can do whatever they want 5) Confucius can be best described as ...... a) A religious prophet b) A ruler c) A teacher d) A philosopher 6) Why did Huangdi construct the Terracotta Warriors? a) To protect himself in the afterlife b) To give him a hobby in retirement c) To commemorate the soldiers in his army. d) To show off his wealth and status 7) What does the yin and yang symbol represent? a) Humanity's place within the universe b) The two basic forces that shape the universe. c) The element of water d) The power of royalty 8) Which belief system believes in the Four Noble Truths? a) Buddhism b) Daoism c) Confuscianism  d) None of the above 9) The art of arranging objects and life to achieve harmony and balance is called ....... a) Ying Yang b) Feng Shui c) Acupuncture d) Interior design 10) Which of these is NOT a value of Confucianism? a) Loyalty to the government b) Wisdom c) Ambition d) Respect for one's family

Religion in Ancient China



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