to get butterflies in one's stomach - be nervous and frightened about sth, go/turn beetroot (red) - be embarrassed , the heart starts pounding - it starts beating too fast and loud, to give a rash of adrenaline - to experience the effect of a hormone (esp. when a person is frightened or excited), to drum your fingers - to hit a surface regularly and make a sound like a drum, to bottle up feelings - to refuse to talk about something that angers or worries you, to open up - to start to talk more about yourself and your feelings, to wind down  - to gradually relax after doing something that has made you tired or worried:, to unwind - to relax and allow your mind to be free from worry, to ease up - to work less intensely , to loosen up - to start to feel less embarrassed and to become more relaxed when you are with other people, to cheer up - to make someone feel happier , to calm down - to feel less excited , to let down  - to disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do,

Upstream B2+. Unit 2



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