Group - Two or more people who interact and influence each other for more than a short period., Social Norms - standards which govern what is expected in society. These often vary from group to group., Social Roles - activities or responsibilities taken on by individuals, for the good of the group., Self Concept - The individuals’ belief about himself/ herself, including the person’s attributes and who and what the self is. E.g. our knowledge of who we are. , Self Esteem  - global (entire) feelings, beliefs and evaluations about oneself as a person, Social Identity - Part of our self concept that is based on our perceived membership in particular social groups, Social Identity Theory - group members of an in-group will seek to find negative aspects of an out-group, thus enhancing their self-concept., In-group - groups with which you identify as a member, Out-group - Groups with which you do not identify with or belong to, Group Norms - unspoken informal rules governing behaviour which are still agreed on by group members, Competition - a situation in which rivals aim to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others, often by achieving a goal., Within group competition - reduces group cohesion and reduces achievement of goals., Between group competition - increases solidarity in a group, but also increase inter-group hostility., Deindividuation - abandoning individual restraints to join the behaviours of a group e.g. riots, Social Loafing - the practice of putting in less individual effort when in a group than one would when working alone, Obedience - behavior change that comes in response to a demand from an authority figure, Conformity - To change one’s attitudes and behavior to make them consistent with those of other people, Normative Conformity - Yielding to group pressure because a person wants to fit in with the group. E.g. Asch Line Study, Informational Conformity - a person lacks knowledge and looks to the group for guidance.,

Social Psychology Definitions


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