1) We salute this. a) flat b) flag c) flap 2) An elephant has one. a) trunk b) tronk c) jrunk 3) A stinky animal. a) scunk b) skung c) skunk 4) Part of a tree. a) brunch b) bransh c) branch 5) You can play on this and it goes back and forth. a) swung b) swing c) swink 6) This hurts when a bee does it. a) stink b) stin c) sting 7) When your shirt gets smaller in the wash. a) shrinks b) shrunk c) shring 8) I might get one of these when I run. a) crimp b) cramp c) cram 9) Hair color that is light yellow, almost white. a) brown b) black c) blond 10) This is not cursive writing, it is ________. a) pranting b) prunting c) printing 11) You do this when the sun is in your eyes. a) squint b) quint c) sqint 12) You have one of these when you are thirsty, a ____. a) drink b) drank c) dink 13) what are green things that grow in the garden? a) plans b) plants c) plant 14) These are little pink pieces of seafood. You dip them in cocktail sauce. a) shimp b) shrimp c) srimp 15) The part of the pizza that you hold onto when you eat it. It goes around the outside. a) cust b) crast c) crust 16) Not a grown up, but a ____. a) child b) chil c) shild 17) What are the things you wear on your face to help you see better? a) glass b) glasses c) gasses 18) What are these things that you sit on? You often see them in parks or at playgrounds. a) benchs b) bench c) benches 19) What is the thing that you cook food on outside? a) gril b) grill c) grell 20) What is the thing that is almost like a blanket, but you can also hang it on your wall? a) qilt b) quit c) quilt


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