Do you have a profile on a social media site? Which one?, What kind of information is in your profile?, What do you do on social media? (comment, like, post), Have you ever accepted a friend request from someone you aren’t sure that you know?, Do you know all of followers on Instagram etc?, What’s your favorite thing about social media? Why?, What’s the worst thing about social media?, Do you ever stay up late or get up early to spend more time on social media sites?, Is your privacy important to you? Why?, Is appearance important to you? Why?, Have you ever been bullied online?, Have you ever seen or heard of somebody being bullied online?, Do you think that what you see on social media is real or fake?, Do you ever watch reality TV shows? Do you like them? Why (not)?, whatever you put online is permanent. How do you feel about this?, Nothing online is completely private. Do you agree?, Do you check in social media often?, How many hours a day do you spend checking social media?, What do you think can be done to change the negative aspects of social media?, What is the worst thing you have ever seen on social media? Why was it so bad?.



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