1) The process in which plants make food by using water from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air and energy from sunlight a) PHOTOSYNTHESIS   b) PRODUCERS/ AUTOTROPHS c) CHLOROPHYLL – 2) A living thing, such as a plant, that makes its own food a) PRODUCERS/ AUTOTROPHS  b) KINGDOM c) CONSUMERS/HETEROTROPHS 3) Living things that can’t make their own food and gets their energy from eating organisms a) PRODUCERS/ AUTOTROPHS  b) KINGDOM c) CONSUMERS/HETEROTROPHS 4) Plants are producers a) True b) False 5) Backbone is the column of bones in the back enclosing and protecting the spinal cord. a) True b) False 6) It is the process of grouping things together based on their similarities. a) A. Classification b) B. Adaptation c) C. Invertebrates 7) This is a mineral that is found at the tip of the pencil. a) A. Gold b) B. Graphite c) C. Silver 8) Which part of the plant has tiny tubes to transport water and nutrients to the plant’s parts a) A. Stem b) B. Leaves c) C. Petals 9) This is a shiny mineral found in jewelry. a) A. Copper b) B. Graphite c) C. Diamond 10) It is the process of removal rock particles from a location into another location.   a) A. Erosion b) B. Weathering c) C. Cooling 11) Solid substances that are naturally occurring, inorganic, and have a crystal shape.   a) Rock b) Stone c) Mineral 12) It refers to the color of the powder when minerals are scratched.  a) A. Streak b) B. Luster c) C. Rock 13) 15. It refers to the remains of organisms that lived long ago a) Fossils b) Sedimentary rock c) Diamond 14) Its breaking down of rocks into small pieces a) Weathering b) Erosion c) Cooling 15) They are the scientists who study fossils a) Paleontologists b) Soil c) Fossils 16) It is a thin layer that covers earth surface a) Fossils b) Soil c) Mineral 17) It is found in watch. a) Copper b) Quartz c) Silver 18) You can find it in coins a) Copper b) Silver c) Quartz 19) You can find in knives and spoons. a) Copper b) Silver c) Quartz 20) Rocks are liquid substances found in the nature. a) True b) False 21) Sediments are large pieces of rocks. a) True b) False 22) ……………………………… are the scientists who study fossils. a) Soil b) Paleontologists c) Weathering 23) It is the breaking down of rocks into pieces……………………. a) Weathering b) Erosion c) Deposition 24) Igneous Rock made up from a) Water b) Gases c) Magma 25) Mineral is a living substance a) True b) False


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