Who - _____is that girl? That is my friend, Jane., Why - _____ is she crying? She wants a doll., How long - _____ is this train? About two hundred meters., What - _____ do you have in your bag? It's a book., How many - _____ people are there in your family? Five people., How much - _____ is that shirt? It's 100 dollars., How far - _____ is the post office? About 1 kilometer., Whose - _____ car is that? That's my car., When - ____ is your birthday? It's in June., How tall - _____ is that Big Ben? About 96 meters., Where - _____ are you going? To the post office., How old - _____ is your father? He's 50., How often - _____ do you go shopping? Every Sunday., How - _____ are you doing? I'm OK, thanks., How High - _____ is Mount Fuji? About 3,776 meters.,

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