1) What's the most ... way of heating this building? a) economic b) economical 2) I've always enjoyed reading ... novels. a) classic b) classical 3) The works of Haydn and Mozart belong to the ... period. a) classic b) classical 4) The city's transport system is one of the most ... in Europe. a) effective b) efficient 5) You might be ... for a grant. a) eligible b) illegible 6) His writing is almost ... . a) eligible b) illegible 7) I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any ... . a) effect b) affect 8) The forecast said that there's ... of snow tonight. a) an opportunity b) a possibility 9) We had estimated about 300 visitors, but the ... number was much higher. a) actual b) topical 10) The commission consisted of fifteen ... political figures. a) imminent b) eminent 11) A rain storm was ... . a) imminent b) eminent 12) Rescuers are doing everything that is ... possible to free the trapped people. a) humanely b) humanly 13) Are you saying we should treat animals more ... ? a) humanely b) humanly 14) Now that the company has gone bankrupt, your contract is ... . a) priceless b) worthless

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