vaguebooking (n.) - random messages posted on social media that nobody understands, tweet (n.) - a short message posted on Twitter, google (v.) - to check something on the search engine Google, networking sites (n.) - websites designed to help people communicate and work collaboratively with a group, gadgets (n.) - small machines or pieces of electronic equipment that have a particular purpose, accessibility (n.) - characteristic of a website or App that is easy to use, befriend (v.) - to become friends with someone on a social media site, data theft (n.) - when information stored on corporate databases, devices, and servers is stolen, applications (n.) - computer programs designed for a particular purpose, commonly used with smart phones, post (v.) - to make something public on a social media site (e.g. messages, pictures, etc.), fake news (n.) - information posted on social media that isn't true or it is misleading, oversharing (n.) - posting too many messages too often on social media sites,

Social Media Vocabulary


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