1) Sopra (senza contatto) a) Over b) Behind c) On 2) Sotto a) Next to b) Under c) On 3) Davanti a a) Opposite to b) In c) In front of 4) Vicino a a) Near b) Over c) On 5) Di fianco a a) Near b) Next to c) In front of 6) Sopra (con contatto) a) Over b) In c) On 7) Dietro a a) In b) Behind c) Off 8) Dentro a) On b) Next to c) In 9) Destra a) Right b) Left 10) Sinistra a) Right b) Left 11) Fra (due) a) Between b) Next to c) In the middle 12) Di fronte a a) In front of b) Opposite c) Behind

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