بِضۡعِ - few, several, some, بَعۡدَ - after, بَدَأَ - began, تَتَناقَصُ - diminish, decline, decrease, صارَ - change (from on state or condition to another e.g. from a boy to a man), شَيۡئاً فَشَيۡئاً - bit by bit, little by little, step by step, لاحَظَ - noticed, realized, observed, مِنۡطَقَةٌ - region, area, district, zone, جَفَّ - dried up, لَم تَعُدۡ - no longer, anymore, , رَعۡی الغَنَمِ - grazing sheep, غَيۡرِها - others,

٣. كل شجرة بثلاث


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