1) refers to the specific position of a particular town, province, country, or continent on the surface of the Earth a) location b) map c) compass d) latitude 2) flat representation of the earth and its regions on paper a) globe b) map c) map's grid 3) a spherical model that most resemble the Earth as it is a) globe b) world map c) prime meridian 4) refers to the position of a place in relation to other places near or around it a) ordinal directions b) relative location c) cardinal directions d) absolute location 5) refers to the exact position of a place on Earth's surface a) ordinal directions b) relative location c) cardinal directions d) absolute location 6) four main points of the compass north, east, west, and south a) ordinal directions b) relative location c) cardinal directions d) absolute location 7) the points found between each cardinal direction, also known as secondary directions a) ordinal directions b) relative location c) cardinal directions d) absolute location 8) an imaginary vertical line that connects the north and south pole with each other a) meridian b) parallel c) longitude d) degrees 9) an imaginary horizontal line that runs across the Earth a) meridian b) parallel c) longitude d) degrees 10) the distance between meridians is measured in a) meters b) degrees c) feet d) miles 11) a special meridian that passes through the town of Greenwich in England, also known as Greenwich Meridian a) meridian b) Prime Meridian c) International Date Line 12) How do we determine the absolute location using the lines of parallel? a) We start measuring from the cardinal directions. b) We start measuring from the ordinal directions. c) We start measuring from the Prime Meridian. d) We start measuring from the Equator. 13) How do we determine the absolute location using the lines of meridian? a) We start measuring from the cardinal directions. b) We start measuring from the ordinal directions. c) We start measuring from the Prime Meridian. d) We start measuring from the Equator. 14) measurement of prime meridian a) 0o  latitude b) 0o longitude c) 180o longitude d) 15o longitude 15) top most region of the earth a) North pole b) South Pole 16) lowermost region of the earth a) North Pole b) South Pole 17) the distance north or south of the Equator a) parallel b) longitude c) Greenwich Meridian d) latitude 18) meridian is also called ___________ a) parallel b) lines of longitude c) Greenwich Meridian d) latitude 19) made up of the lines of meridian and parallel a) map grid b) degrees c) longitude d) latitude 20) special latitude which divides the world exactly in half into the - Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere a) Greenwich Meridian b) International Date Line c) Equator 21) It is found at 180 degrees longitude and is the direct opposite of the prime meridian a) Greenwich Mean Time b) Internation Date Line c) Greenwich Meridian 22) what do you call the countries' time based on the Prime Meridian? a) International Date Line b) Greenwich Mean Time c) Philippine Standard Time d) Time zones 23) regions in the world that use a standard time for legal, commercial, social, and communication purposes a) Time zones b) Internation Date Line c) Greenwich Mean Time 24) The International date line is a straight line to avoid continents or islands. a) true b) false 25) Meridians on a map are drawn every _____________. a) 30 degrees b) 25 degrees c) 15 degrees 26) Prime meridian is also called _____________ a) longitude b) latitude c) Greenwich Meridian d) Equator

Civics 5 Lesson 1 Location of the Phil. part 1



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