arid - very dry, hurricane, cyclone - a storm with heavy rains and high winds that blow in a circular pattern around an area of low atmospheric pressure, chilly - uncomfortably cold in temperature or demeanor, typhoon - a tropical storm, like a hurricane, that occurs in the western Pacific or Indian oceans, condensation - Changing from gas to liquid; Water in the air that cools into liquid., precipitation - the falling to earth of any form of water, monsoon - rainy season in southern Asia with sea-breezes that bring heavy rain, tornado - powerful rotating storm that forms a column and reaches from a cloud down to the ground., dissipate - disperse or scatter, frigid - extremely cold, extreme - the furthest or highest degree of something, absolute - complete, full, entire, abundant - more than enough; plentiful, enormous - huge, very large, great, copious - abundant; plentiful, complete - (often used for emphasis) to the greatest extent or degree; total, finished.,

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